Following the Gastric Sleeve Surgery, you can go back to your usual diet, but you should follow strict dietary guidelines for a few months. Ideally, you should aim to choose foods rich in nutrients. Afterwards, you may start your normal diet, but you must ensure that you continue to take your vitamins. There are several risks associated with the surgery. Here are some of them. Read on to find out which risks you should be aware of.
Complications of gastric sleeve surgery
There are some possible complications of gastric sleeve surgery that are similar to those of gastric bypass. These complications can cause severe discomfort, including nausea and vomiting. Other potential complications of gastric sleeve surgery include sagging skin and large amounts of loose skin. Those who are obese are particularly susceptible to these complications, but they are still rare. Treatment for these problems often consists of antibiotics or acid-suppressing medications.
Complications of gastric sleave surgery can include a narrowing of the stomach and the development of scar tissue. Some patients experience nausea, vomiting, or difficulty eating. Although rare, gastric leaks may occur. In this case, digestive fluids or partially digested food can leak into the abdominal cavity, causing serious medical complications. While these are rare, patients are often prescribed medication to remedy the problem.
Recovery from gastric sleeve surgery
The recovery period for gastric sleeve surgery can take anywhere from two to six weeks. Most people can go back to work within two weeks of surgery. However, you should be sure to continue following the recommended diet and exercise regimen prescribed by your surgeon. Moreover, the return to work period will depend on the type of work you do. Your recovery period may be shorter than the one for other types of weight loss surgeries.
During the first week after surgery, you should limit your consumption of alcohol and caffeine. You should also avoid consuming any kind of spicy food for a few days. After that, you can resume eating small amounts of solid foods and liquids. For the first few days after gastric sleeve surgery, you should avoid eating anything spicy, as it may cause heartburn. In addition, drink lots of water, as this will help flush the food through your body more easily.
Diet after gastric sleeve surgery
The first week following gastric sleeve surgery is spent on a liquid diet. This is a combination of protein shakes and at least six cups of water. A successful gastric sleeve diet consists of the correct balance of proteins, carbs, and fats. This diet is a key component of weight loss after the procedure. Dietary modifications can be made to ensure that the new weight loss is maintained for the long term.
The first two weeks after surgery are a period of healing and fluid restriction. A liquid diet will be the most important element in the recovery process. It is best to ingest small sips of liquid throughout the day. During this period, you may add a protein powder to your water, juice, or shakes. Avoid alcohol or other caffeinated drinks. Alcohol consumption can cause complications and should be avoided while you are recovering from gastric sleeve surgery.
Cost of gastric sleeve surgery
Gastric sleeve surgery costs vary widely and depend on the size of the band used. Most gastric sleeves are around four inches wide. A series of straps is attached to the stomach to keep the band inflated throughout the day. The average gastric sleeve costs around $25,000, but the cost may be double or triple that amount in smaller towns. The location of the surgery can affect the cost as well.
The cost of gastric sleeve surgery varies according to a number of factors, including the individual’s weight loss and where the surgery is performed. It also depends on whether the patient has health insurance or pays for the surgery out of pocket. If so, the surgeon will likely negotiate a payment plan with the patient. Despite the high cost, most insurance plans will cover some or all of the cost of gastric sleeve surgery.